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Asthma services offered in Tallahassee, FL

Asthma, a long-term lung condition, often starts during childhood and can prevent your child from enjoying exercises and activities safely. ASK Pediatric Services in Tallahassee, Florida, provides integrative treatments for childhood asthma. Aisha Bailey, DO, and the team develop an action plan for every asthmatic child so they can breathe easier. Schedule an appointment for your child by phone or online today.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a condition of the lungs that affects about 1 in 12 children and adolescents up to age 17. A lifelong illness, asthma causes your child’s lungs to become inflamed, which constricts their airways and causes increased mucus production along the walls of the airways. 

As a result, your child may experience ongoing breathing troubles or symptoms in response to specific triggers. Asthma can have widespread effects on your child’s well-being, including preventing a good night’s sleep or stopping them from enjoying their favorite physical activities. 

The ASK Pediatric Services team develops a personalized asthma action plan to help your child identify and avoid triggers, and to manage their symptoms with long-term or quick-relief medications. 

What are some early signs and symptoms of asthma?

As a parent, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of asthma and other conditions that tend to appear during childhood. If you notice anything unusual about your child’s breathing, bring them to ASK Pediatric Services for an evaluation. 

This includes symptoms like:

  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness
  • Coughing fits
  • Fatigue

You might notice that symptoms like these flare in response to certain triggers, such as known or unidentified allergies or exercise. 

These symptoms can generally get better or worse over time and have implications other than asthma, so getting a professional evaluation at ASK Pediatric Services is the first step to ensure your child gets the treatment they need. 

How is asthma treated?

The team at ASK Pediatric Services comes up with an asthma action plan that helps your child and your whole family throughout the year. The aim of your child’s action plan is to reduce hospitalizations for severe asthma and to allow your child to live a comfortable, active life. 

Many people with asthma benefit from using inhalers. These as-needed devices contain steroids or other medications that cause the airways to open up. Other medications for asthma come in pill or capsule form.

Some asthma medications are long-term medications that are intended to control symptoms daily, while others are quick-relief treatments that your child uses in the event of an asthma attack or before exercise. 

If their asthma flares up due to allergies, the ASK Pediatric Services team might recommend allergy treatments, such as immunotherapy or nasal spray antihistamines. 

If you’re concerned about your child’s breathing problems and other possible signs of asthma, don’t hesitate to book an appointment over the phone or online at ASK Pediatric Services today.